University of Maryland


Hackerspace Featured in Terp Magazine

The HCIL Hackerspace, started and run by Jon Froehlich, was featured in Terp Magazine.

Druin, Guha, and Foss Co-Author Book Chapter

Allison Druin, Mona Leigh Guha, and Beth Foss co-authored a chapter, entitled “Wear Nice Socks: Guidance for Researchers Conduction In-Home Studies with Children,” published in Studying and Designing Technology for Domestic Life: Lessons from Home.

Jessica Vitak Interviewed on KSA-2

Jessica Vitak was interviewed for the “Social Media” episode of KSA-2 – Saudi Arabian, English-language TV.

Froehlich, Findlater, and Chellappa Awarded DOD Grant

Jon Froehlich (PI), Leah Findlater (co-PI), and Rama Chellappa (co-PI) were awarded a $992,821 Department of Defense (US Army Medical Research and Material Command) grant for “HandSight: Supporting Everyday Activities Trhoguth Touch-Vision.”

Jen Golbeck in Fortune Magazine

Jen Golbeck’s social media research was described in the Fortune magazine article “CONTAGION–From Justin Bieber to data scientists, how Twitter got hot in the academy.”

Froehlich and Clegg Awarded NSF Grant

Jon Froehlich (PI) and Tamara Clegg (co-PI) were awarded a $550,ooo NSF Cyberlearning EXP grant for “BodyVis: Advancing New Science Learning and Inquiry Experiences via Custom Designed Wearable On-Body Sensing and Visualization.”