ARCHIVE – Presentations

HCIL members regularly present our work around the world at conferences, universities, companies, etc. A few select presentations follow:
Interactive Visual Discovery in Event Analytics: Electronic Health Records & Others
Ben Shneiderman (October 2015)
The New ABCs of Research
Ben Shneiderman (October 2015)
Treemap Art Project: Aesthetics in Information Visualization
Ben Shneiderman (July 2015)
High Impact Research: Blending Basic and Applied Methods
Ben Shneiderman (October 2013)
Tableau Customer Conference: Visualization of Electronic Health Records
Ben Shneiderman (October 2013)
Visual Analytics Strategies for Organizing and Simplifying Complex Networks: Meta-layouts and Motif Simplification
Ben Shneiderman (August 2013)
Introduction to NodeXL: Tutorial
Ben Shneiderman (August 2013)
Introduction to Information Visualization: SESYNC Workshop
Ben Shneiderman (August 2013)
Information Visualization in Medical Informatics
Ben Shneiderman (May 2013)
Building Safe, Thriving Communities with Credible Content: Design Principles for Web Sites and Social Structures
Ben Shneiderman (April 2013)
Pacific Visualization Conference: Challenges for Information Visualization Research: Visual Quality and Data Quantity
Ben Shneiderman (March 2012)
Information Visualization in Medical Informatics
Ben Shneiderman (October 2011)
Group-In-a-Box Layout for Multi-faceted Analysis of Communities
IEEE Social Computing Conference
Eduarda Rodrigues, Natasa Milic-Frayling, Marc A. Smith, Ben Shneiderman & Derek Hansen (October 2011)
Information Visualization: See Patterns, Gain Insights & Make Decisions
MedStar Innovation Institute Conference
Ben Shneiderman (October 2011)
Information Visualization for Knowledge Discovery
Ben Shneiderman (October 2011)
Project 4: Cognitive Information Design and Visualization
SHARP Electronic Health Records Usability Workshop
Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant, Surreya Tarkan, Tiffany Chao, Jorge Herskovic, Elmer Bernstram, Elis Markovitz, Chitra Shriram, & Todd Johnson (October 2011)
Summer Social Webshop: Technology-Mediated Social Participation
Summer Social Webshop
Jennifer Preece & Ben Shneiderman (August 2011)
The Next 25 Years of HCI Research: Technology-Mediated Social Participation
Human-Computer Interaction International Conference
Ben Shneiderman (July 2011)
Evidence-based Usability Guidelines for Promoting Safety and Efficacy
Electronic Health Record Workshop
Ben Shneiderman (June 2011)
Action Science Explorer: Interactive Data Visualization for Rapid Understanding of Scientific Literature (STM Annual Spring Conference)
Cody Dunne (April 2011) | Flash Demo | Video Demo
NFAIS-Social Discovery in an Information Abundant World
Ben Shneiderman (February 2011)
Information Visualization for Knowledge Discovery
Ben Shneiderman (April 2010)
Educational Technology for Creativity, Collaboration and Community
Ben Bederson (November 2009)
National Initiative on Technology-Mediated Social/Civic Participation
Ben Shneiderman (October 2009)
Network Analysis and Visualization for Understanding Social Computing
Ben Shneiderman (September 2009)
First Steps to NetViz Nirvana: Evaluating social network analysis with NodeXL
Elizabeth M. Bonsignore and Cody Dunne (August 2009) | Video | Video, Slide, Transcript Downloads
Understanding Social Media:Accelerating Social Participation
Ben Shneiderman (April 2009)
Why iPhone Changes Everything….and how
Ben Bederson (September 2008)
Black ears to Blonde cats: Paths for designing change
Ben Bederson and Allison Druin (September 2008)
Catalyzing Community Efforts for Disaster Reporting, Response and Recovery
Ben Shneiderman (May 2008)
HCI Research Methods
Ben Shneiderman (January 2008)
The Future of Information Discovery
Ben Shneiderman (February 2008)
Information Visualization for Knowledge Discovery
Ben Shneiderman (Fabruary 2008)
Information Visualization for Medical Informatics: From Patient Histories to Clinical Research
Ben Shneiderman (September 2007)
Human Values for Shaping the Made World
Ben Shneiderman (September 2007)
A Visual Interface for Multivariate Temporal Data: Finding Patterns of Events across Multiple Histories
Jerry Alan Fails, Amy Karlson, Layla Shahamat, Ben Shneiderman (November 2006)
Network Visualization by Semantic Substrates
Ben Shneidermand and Aleks Aris (November 2006)
Exploratory Search Interfaces to Support Image Discovery
Ben Shneiderman (July 2006)
Creativity Support Tools: A Grand Challenge
Ben Shneiderman (October 2006)
Human Computer Interation Opportunities for Improving Security/Privacy
Ben Shneiderman (August 2005)
File-sharing Onweb with Realistic Tailorable Security (FORTS)
Ben Shneiderman (August 2005)
Exploring High Dimensional Data with the Rank-by-Feature Framework
Ben Shneiderman (July 2005)
Visualizing Uncertainty: Computer Science Perspective
National Academy of Sciences Workshop
Ben Shneiderman and Alex Pang (March 2005)
Leonardo’s Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing
Ben Shneiderman (February 2005)
The Happy Marriage of Geographic Information Systems and Information Visualization
Ben Shneiderman (October 2004)
The Eyes Have It! User Interfaces for Information Visualization
Ben Shneiderman (October 2004)
Human Needs and Mobile Devices: Small, Fun & Fast
(June 2004) | Gallery of Devices
Creativity Support Tools: A Grand Challenge for Interface Designers
UIST 2003
Ben Shneiderman (November 2003)
Making Visualization Work
Ben Shneiderman (September 2003)
Information Visualization Tutorial
(November 2003)
Leonardo’s Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing
(November 2002)
Improving Web-based Civic Information Access: A Case Study of the 50 US States
(June 2002)
The New Computing: Ending User Frustration
(May 2002)
3D or Not 3D: When and Why Does It Work?
(February 2002)
The New Computing: Ending User Frustration
(May 2002)
The Future of the Web: Visual, Social, Universal
(October 2001)
Broadening Access to Statistical Data by Improving User Interfaces
(October 2000)
The Eyes Have It: User Interfaces for Information Visualization
(October 2000; see October 2004 for newer version)
Leonardo’s Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing
(September 2000)
Retrospective on 17 Years of HCIL (1983-2000)
(June 2000)
The Future of the Web: Visual, Social, Universal
(April 2000)
User Interfaces for Creativity Support Tools
(November 1999)
Crossing the Information Visualization Chasm
(October 1999)
Universal Usability: A research Agenda for Every Citizen Interfaces
(September 1999)
E-Novation: Stimulating Creativity with Technology
(January 1999)
Ben Shneiderman’s CHI98 Plenary Address (April 1998)
Treating Web Fever: Human Values for Shaping Educational Technology
(November 1997)