Jobs and Student Funding
We are not posting open positions at the moment.
For Faculty and Staff Positions
See individual departments for possible announcements e.g., INFO or CS Department
The HCIL faculty page indicates which other departments currently includes members of the HCIL
Graduate Assistant Opportunities
Contact HCIL faculty directly, but you have to be accepted in one the University of Maryland programs to receive funding.
Travel Awards

HCIL Conference Travel Award (CTA)
This CTA is a way of helping HCIL graduate students attend more conferences, learn more, and show HCIL’s presence. Making UMCP & HCIL more visible and its students more prominent helps build recognition for HCIL’s 30-year history of outstanding faculty/staff, excellent students and influential breakthroughs.
Application Procedure
The CTA is available for all students who are members of the HCIL. This includes students working with an HCIL faculty member on an HCI-related project or students who are part of the lab and volunteer at lab events, including the annual Symposium and Open House.
A call for applications will go out to the HCIL mailing list. Students will submit an application with a budget, and their advisor will submit a letter of support.
A 3-person committee consisting of the HCIL Director, plus two people chosen from HCIL members, will review the applications and make funding decisions based on merit. Deadlines will be announced via the HCIL mailing list. Students are encouraged to apply for CS Dept, INFO, or UMCP grants to supplement the CTA.
The CTA was established by Ben Shneiderman on the occasion of his 65th birthday in 2012, when he contributed $6500 to HCIL to launch the CTA. His former Masters and PhD students plus colleagues quickly responded as founding contributors: Ben Bederson/Allison Druin, Rodrigo Botafogo, Irina Ceaparu, Tamara Clegg, Robert Gove, Harry Hochheiser, Juan-Pablo Hourcade, Eser Kandogan, Bill Kules, Jack Kustanowitz, Catherine Plaisant, Jennifer Preece, Jinwook Seo, Degi Young, Haixia Zhao.
Graduate School Travel Awards
The Graduate School offers two travel grants for University of Maryland graduate students: The Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant and the International Conference Student Support Award (ICSSA). These grants are intended to help defray the expenses incurred by UMD graduate students who are traveling to scholarly, scientific, or professional conferences to present papers, posters, or other scholarly material. Students may receive each award twice during their graduate education at UMD, once before the achievement of candidacy (including master’s students) and a second time after the achievement of candidacy. To be eligible, students must be presenting a paper, poster, or other types of presentation and must be enrolled at UMD at the time of travel. Click here for further details.
INFO College Grants
Incremental Improvement Grant (RIG-II)
This is a grant for INFO researchers who could greatly improve their research efforts by means of limited financial support and who have exhausted all other available funding sources (researchers should consult with the research support staff about alternative potential funding sources before submitting a RIG-II proposal). The track provides small amounts of funding to encourage individuals or teams of researchers to complete cutting-edge research that has the potential to develop into a high impact research stream. Click here for further details.
Computer Science Department Travel Awards
The Department of Computer Science also has some funding for student travel. Ask your CS advisor for more information.