University of Maryland

2021 HCIL symposium program

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the event was held virtually.

10:30am to 12:00pm Plenary Talks

  • Welcome Address
    Niklas Elmqvist, Director of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab
    Keith Marzullo, Dean of the UMD College of Information Studies
  • Trace Center’s First 50 years: Accomplishments and Lessons Learned in ICT Accessibility System Change 
    Gregg Vanderheiden, Jonathan Lazar, Amanda Lazar, J. Bern Jordan, Hernisa Kacorri
  • Designing a New Medium for Sustainable Knowledge Synthesis
    Joel Chan
  • Creative Misuse: Tactics for Innovation at the Edges of the Familiar
    Jason Farman
  • Designing Organizations of the Future: Information Ecology of Innovation Ecosystems
    Ping Wang
  • Managing Digital Accessibility at Universities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Jonathan Lazar

12pm to 1pm

Lunch Break —- Watch Historical HCIL Videos

To celebrate the completion of the Historical CHI Video Project we will watch early CHI videos recorded at HCIL in the 1990’s (while eating lunch if you wish). We selected videos reflecting HCIL’s earliest research themes such as hypertext, touchscreen interaction or dynamic queries. Catherine Plaisant and Ben Shneiderman will introduce the videos and comment on the impact of HCIL’s work on today’s technology.
If you prefer to watch the selected videos on your own: use those SLIDES

1pm to 2:15pm    TRACK 1 : Parallel Sessions

2:15pm to 2:30pm  Break

2:30 pm to 4:00pm TRACK 2 Parallel Sessions

1pm to 4pm TUTORIALS

4pm to 6pm Virtual Happy Hour

At end of the event you are all invited to meet and discuss the day with fellow attendees and meet the authors. Authors of each session will be available for you to chat with or ask questions. Other rooms will be available for even more informal discussions. Details will be provided to registrants on the day of the event.